Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 22: Refelctions on living your best life

I had the day off today, but it was raining in the morning so I opted out of the beach and in to sitting in our kitchen sending off applications for summer jobs. Looks like I'll be headed back to Winnipeg until December at this rate. Sigh.

But I've been thinking about people who seem to come out of the woodwork of my life, old facebook friends I went to school with or met once or twice and then never talked to. For some reason, these type of people always tell me the same thing, how incredibly jealous of me they are. To some extent, I totally and completely get that, you're in winter, I'm posting bikini pics. But at the same time, I always have to remind them, you are an adult, you are in control of your life, live your best one. If you want to travel, get on workaway, find a gig that says yes, sell your shit, and book a flight.

I just hate that people are so conditioned to feel like they can't just take a break for a year and run off somewhere, particularly in their 20s, though seriously ever. So this is for all you non-travelers. If you want to go, dedicate yourself to that. Pick a place, set a date, and make every decision in your day to day life lead you one step closer to your trip. Take the plunge. Do something crazy.

So far, I've learned to play with a machete safely, chased down a roster and several chickens unsuccessfully, made hawaiian shaved ice and some epic crepes, juiced sugar cane, and hitch hiked with some of the chillest people I've ever met. I have zero regrets about leaving. Just do it.


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