Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Creating a 5 Year Plan

Recently, I've been browsing around the internet for writing prompts (here's an excellent list for March) because I assume that at some point, you will all get bored in reading my weekly life updates and want some actual thoughtful and semi-well written information. So in that spirit, I present to you my thoughts on 5 year plans, mission statements, bucket lists, and over arching life goals. Ready?

Do it. 

I know that may seem like a bit of departure from my usual devil-may-care, travel everywhere, do whatever, laid back, low stress, life advice. Hear me out. I have a 5 year plan. The thing is, my 5 year plan goes though at least one significant change about every 6 months. 

Planning out approximately 5 years in advance gives me TONS of motivation when I'm stuck in the occasional months where I am not traveling, laying on a beach, or spending the vast majority of my time playing with craft supplies. 

No, I do not plan out every day on my wonderful 5 year plan. It's a simple document in my Notes app on my Macbook, readily accessible and incredibly easy to change. 

I like to block things out in semester long periods, because I find them to be sensible dividing points. Janurary - April I do one particular thing (in the present case, Maui), then May - August I do another thing (Victoria), then September - December one more thing (in this case, my schedule reads: take classes either online or in Winnipeg and make some progress on your degree ya bum). 

I think it's healthy to give yourself lots of "breaks" in life, and try tons of new things in new places. Dividing my year into 3 sections encourages me to do that frequently, and has the added benefit of working quite well with my on again off again approach to University. 

I also like to have a side list of goals for the week + month in my paper day planner, just to keep me on task. One of the biggest challenges I find myself faced with in daily life is my desire to throw myself into a million and one projects, which inevitably leads to things being half finished if they aren't written down.

How do you structure your 5 year plan? What kind of goals are you reaching for? Tell me your life!


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